Air Conditioning Repairs

Watch for These Signs Your AC Is in Trouble

To say that summers are long and hot around here would obviously be an understatement. With temperatures climbing to their…

8 years ago

No, Your Refrigerant Should Not Need Refilling

With temperatures still hovering in the high 70s and even 80s, we are still using our air conditioners on a…

8 years ago

Why Bad AC Capacitor is Such a Problem

One of the most common reasons we receive calls for air conditioning repairs is electrical system problems. There are a…

8 years ago

Are DIY Air Conditioning Repairs Bad Idea?

In recent years, “do-it-yourself” projects have increased in popularity, leaving homeowners to do remodeling projects, baking projects, and much more…

9 years ago

Is Your Air Conditioner Going to Make It to the End of Summer?

One of the most common service calls we get in regards to a broken down air conditioner is from families…

9 years ago

What Problems Does Bad AC Condenser Cause?

It goes without saying that you want your air conditioner to work to the best of its abilities at all…

9 years ago